
3 Posts Found

Getting a Turkish citizenship by investment

Turkey announced its citizenship by investment program in 2016. It grants residency, citizenship and a second passport to applicants investing either in real estate or a bank deposit. The real estate route is particularly attractive for investors. ...

Read More 08 Nov 2020 5391

Seven Advantages of Buying a Property in Turkey

Having a home is a dream everyone. Turkey gives you many reasons why and buying a home in Turkey is not difficult. Turkey has always been a country that attracts attention for foreign investors with its natural and cultural richness, developed transportation network ...

Read More 29 Aug 2020 9078

Turkish Passport Types

Considering Turkey Citizenship or Residency, it’s beneficial to know about different types of passports issued by Turkish government. You will find out which type of passport you will be granted in case of acceptance of your Turkish citizenship. ...

Read More 21 Aug 2020 27553